Monday, March 7, 2011

Women's day

I really think that the women are one of the greatest miracle creation of the God. I would still keep the child birth as the greatest Miracle.
Miracle why?For a starters do you think that the procreation would have been possible without them.It is only how their bodies have adapted to the process of child birth that help us go through one generation to next.
Mtasking - Sometimes i think that's the reason most of the times all goddeesses have been depicted with so many hands.
Will power - it's their will power that allows them to leave their own homes, own parents own family and come to a complete new family. And the icing on the cake is they embrace the new family and environment so whole heartedly. It is strange and it is great and it is wierd.Long years back - i still remember how i cried when my sister got married and left us for a new family. She was great - i remember her getting me ready for school - she would tie my tie and tie my shoes and even put "kajal" to my eyes. And in the end she would comb my hair until it was in a particular style. And then i was off to school.The days have gone so far but i still remember the tenderness and the love that was laced through all the actions she did.
Patience - well this was a revelation for me as well. I used to think that i had a lot of patience always and at all times. My notion seems to be so completley wrong now - when i see my wife handling our 2 year old kid. It's a treat to watch. I wonder now how come she has become patience personified. But then that's how MOTHER is for you.
Mother - i think that word should be the synonym for miracle or even GOD herself/himself.How else can you ever explain - the so giving nature of a human being. How can you explain the patience and the suffering that she goes through to just keep you happy.She can be so soft, she can be very strict and she can metamorphose into a tigress the moment she smells danger. There are so many different forms of her. And it is no surprise that our mythology is replete with godesses who don all these different "avatars" at different times.
The love - I remember when we were expecting our baby - how at all times i would be worrying about the well being of the baby's mother, whether she has taken medicines, whether she is feeling ok. And during all these times i would see her patting and stroking the child within her so lovingly and passionately. I could see how completely she was in love with the yet unborn child.

This is an ode to all women and all mothers out there who sometimes may feel left out and discriminated. But i know you will have the patience and will power to overcome all those hurdles and be the MIRACLE you are. Just be YOU - as are the greatest.

1 comment:

Santoshi N said...

Good Men always appreciate Women,on a true are there !! By now you would have got your answer?
WHere's the GOD particle= WOMEN ??? Keep going